When does an article cite you?

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Google Scholar alerted me to a recent citation to my work from Teacher-Student Relationships, Satisfaction, and Achievement among Art and Design College Students in Macau, a paper published in Journal of Education and Practice of to me unknown repute.

In the references, I see a listing of Persistence of Web References in Scientific Research where I was among the coauthors. So in which context is this paper cited? I seems strange that an article about link rot is cited by an article about teacher-student relationships… Indeed I cannot find the reference in body text when I search on the first author’s last name (“lawrence”).

Indeed several other items in references listing I cannot find: Joe Smith’s “One of Volvo’s core values”, Strunk et al.’s “The element of style” and Van der Geer’s “The art of writing a scientific article”. Notable is it that the first four references is out of order in the otherwise alphabetic sorted list of references, so there must be an error. Perhaps it is an error arising from a copy-and-paste typo?

In this case, I would say, that even though being listed, I am not actually cited by the article. The “fact” of whether it is a citation or not is important to discuss if we want to record the citation in Wikidata, where “Persistence of Web References in Scientific Research” is recorded with the item Q21012586, see also the Scholia entry. Possible we could record the erroneous citation and the use the Wikidata deprecated rank facility: “Value is known to be wrong but (used to be) commonly believed”.

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