Month: May 2016

Page rank of scientific papers with citation in Wikidata – so far

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A citation property has just be created a few hours ago, – and as of writing still not been deleted. It means we can describe citation network, e.g., among scientific papers.

So far we have added a few citations, – mostly from papers about Zika. And now we can plot the citation network or compute the network measures such as page rank.

Below is a Python program using everything with Sparql, Pandas and NetworkX:

statement = """
select ?source ?sourceLabel ?target ?targetLabel where {
  ?source wdt:P2860 ?target .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .

service = sparql.Service('')
response = service.query(statement)
df = DataFrame(response.fetchall(),

df.sourceLabel = df.sourceLabel.astype(unicode)
df.targetLabel = df.targetLabel.astype(unicode)

g = nx.DiGraph()
g.add_edges_from(((row.sourceLabel, row.targetLabel)
    for n, row in df.iterrows()))

pr = nx.pagerank(g)
sorted_pageranks = sorted((rank, title)
    for title, rank in pr.items())[::-1]

for rank, title in sorted_pageranks[:10]:
    print("{:.4} {}".format(rank, title[:40]))

The result:

0.02647 Genetic and serologic properties of Zika
0.02479 READemption-a tool for the computational
0.02479 Intrauterine West Nile virus: ocular and
0.02479 Internet encyclopaedias go head to head
0.02479 A juvenile early hominin skeleton from D
0.01798 Quantitative real-time PCR detection of 
0.01755 Zika virus. I. Isolations and serologica
0.01755 Genetic characterization of Zika virus s
0.0175 Potential sexual transmission of Zika vi
0.01745 Zika virus in Gabon (Central Africa)--20

Occupations of persons from Panama Papers

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Can we get an overview of the occupations of the persons associated with the Panama Papers? Well … that might be difficult, but we can get a biased plot by using the listing in Wikidata, where persons associated with the Panama Papers seems to be tagged and where their occupation(s) is listed. It produces the plot below.


It is fairly straightforward to construct such a bubble chart given the new plotting capabilities in the Wikidata Query Service. Dutch Wikipedian Gerard Meijssen seems to have been the one who has entered the information in Wikidata linking Panama Papers to persons via the ‘significant event‘ property. How complete he yet has managed to do this I do not know. Our Danish Wikipedian Ole Palnatoke Andersen set up a page on the Danish Wikipedia at Diskussion:Panama-papirerne/Wikidata tabulating with the nice Listeria tool of Magnus Manske. Modifying Ole’s SPARQL query we can get the count of occupations for the persons associated with the Panama Papers in Wikidata.

SELECT ?occupationLabel(count(distinct ?person) as ?count) WHERE {
  ?person wdt:P793 wd:Q23702848 ; wdt:P106 ?occupation .   
  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
} group by ?occupationLabel

Some people may see that politicians are the largest group, but that might simply be an artifact of the notability criterion of Wikidata: Only people who are somewhat notable or are linked to something notable are likely to be included in Wikidata, e.g., the common businessman/woman may not (yet?) be represented in Wikidata.

The bubble chart cuts letters of the words for the occupation. ‘murd’ is murderer. Joaquín Guzmán has his occupation set to murderer in Wikidata, – without source…


Om Henrik Krügers ‘Sømænd i Helvede’

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Sært at en enorm katastrofe med over tusinde dræbte kan affærdiges som en lille promille i 2. Verdenskrigs hav af rædsel. På sin vis virker det tyske overraskelsesangreb på den italienske havn Bari i 1943, hvor de fik ram på allierede skibe lastet med konventionel ammunition og sennepsgasbomber, som en parrallel til Henrik Krügers bog om samme. På trods af at hændelsen omtales som Lille Pearl Harbor, finder man ikke at angrebet indtager en større plads i litteraturen om 2. Verdenskrig. Heller ikke Krügers bog har gjort sig særligt bemærket. Krüger har selv udgivet bogen på on-demand-forlaget Skriveforlaget, og jeg fandt den tilfældig i udsalg fra det lokale bibliotek for vel ikke mere end 10 kroner.

Selv blev jeg overrasket over at læse at man ikke blot havde eksperimenteret med giftgas under 2. Verdenskrig, men tillige fabrikeret et stort antal giftgasbomber og transporteret dem til Europa til opmagasinering just-in-case. Krüger argumenterer for at adskillige døde som følge af hemmeligholdelsen af ladningen med giftgas, – giftgas, der havde regnet ned over soldater og søfolk efter at ammunitionsskibene var eksploderet. Grunden til at vi har hørt så lidt om angrebet skyldtes måske at den blot lagde sig i rækken af krigens almindelige død. Det skete på mindre end en time den 2. december 1943. Samme nat sendtes i følge A.C. Graylings opgørelse over 400 bombefly mod Berlin og natten efter over 500 mod Leipzig, hvor Grayling noterer 1.717 døde. Tænksom bliver man når man hører det tyske sprog blandt turister, hvis forfædre 2. generationer bagud kan have lidt i brandbombernes helvede.

Krüger skriver at det er en historie der aldrig er fortalt. Krüger støtter sig dog til engelsk-sprogede bøger. Hvor han får merit er gennem den danske vinkel, hvor han har interviewet flere danskere omkring skibet med navnet Lars Kruse. Med dette får han mindet de danske sømænds stille heroiske indsats.

Fra LibraryThing.