
Git: multiuser and multiple accounts

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We are still struggling somewhat with Git for multiple developers development of the Smartphone Brainscanner code. It may well be a RTFM-problem. We presumably have the Github Smartphone Brain Scanner code setup.

However, we also have a private department git accounts working with gitolite which brings some problems.

If you got multiple computers each with a different public key then you need extra tricks to be able to clone, push and pull from all computers. Here are the steps that got me working:

  1. I send one of my public keys to our department system administrators who then sets up an account with there specially developed script.
  2. With the account setup I can clone my gitolite-admin repository. git clone <git username>@<department git server>:gitolite-admin.
  3. The keydir at gitolite-admin/keydir/<git username>.pub is supposed to contain my public key from one of the computers. In a subdirectory I can put my public key from another computer, e.g., cp gitolite-admin/keydir/<name of other computer>/<git username>.pub
  4. Followed by the git commands git add, git commit and git push.
  5. Specify in the ~/.ssh/config the username of the git server. Under Host <department git server> put User <git username>.

To have other users access the repository I create I have tried:

  1. In gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf added the a line such as @sbs2 = <my git username> <another user's git username> <a third user> and then under repo sbs2-Brain3D I added RW+ = @sbs2.

One user has reported that it now allows him to read and write in the repository, while cloning still is a problem for another user…

(originally published on Tumblr two months ago: Git: multiuser and multiple accounts)

Reading data from the smartphone brainscanner

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With the NeurofeedbackWindow smartphone brainscanner application, hook up the emotiv to the smartphone, start the application press “Rec. Baseline”. After 5 minutes the phone has recorded some data from the electrodes and it is now available from a directory under “/sdcard”.

Hook the phone to a development computer with Necessitas and look for the file with

$ /opt/NecessitasQtSDK/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb shell

And copy the file with:

$ /opt/NecessitasQtSDK/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb pull “/sdcard/smartphonebrainscanner2_readings/” .

I then got two files: sbs2data_2013_09_11_13_47_59_.raw and sbs2data_2013_09_11_13_47_59_.meta. I am unaware of the format.

Git branching with remote

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Still learning git I have now copied code programmed by our student programmer into a branch on GitHub. I first created a local branch called ‘fake’ (the code is generating faked data), then copied the relevant part of the code into the subdirectory of the branch and finally pushed the changes to GitHub.

In /smartphonebrainscanner2-core/ I did the following commands:
$ git branch
* master
$ git branch fake
$ git push origin fake
$ git checkout fake
$ cd src/hardware
$ cp -r ~/projects/riis/smartphonebrainscanner2-core/src/hardware/fake/ .
$ git add fake/
$ git commit fake/
$ git push origin fake

Now we got a branch on GitHub for the “fake” tree.

#git #smartphonebrainscanner